Specialised Vestibular and Neurological Physiotherapy Services

Vestibular Physiotherapy

Symptoms can include dizziness & balance

Dizziness, vertigo and poor balance are common symptoms that occur from dysfunction of the inner ear or if parts of the central nervous system that help process balance and spatial information are affected.

Head Injury & Concussion

Loss of consciousness or amnesia are commonly associated with concussion. It is now acknowledged that concussion presents in a number of ways, and any combination of a number of symptoms and signs should be looked for.

Stroke Rehabilition

Have you had a stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury or other neurological condition? Neurological rehabilitation is a way to optImise your movement making it easier to undertake your usual activities.

Whilst vestibular and neurological rehabilitation is our main focus, we are also able, and happy to treat many other conditions including;

Inner Ear Disorders


Dizziness and imbalance due to concussion


Other balance-system disorders

Early Parkinson’s Disease

Vestibular Migraine

ACC Clients

Mild traumatic brain injury


Acute Physiotherapy Services

Post-concussive syndrome

Balance Works provides physiotherapy services to people who experience dizziness or imbalance due to an injury.

Meet the Team

Rebekah Miller

Business Owner
Senior Physiotherapist

Katie Lucas

Senior Physiotherapist

Grace Barker Physiotherapist

Grace Barker


At Balance Works we are passionate about returning you to the activities you love the most.
Enhancing your quality of life starts with improving your health and independence. We will encourage you to achieve more, always focusing on the goal of A BETTER LIFE.

Our passion is to restore our clients independence and quality of life by assisting them to overcome obstacles, injuries and medical conditions.

With over a combined history of 40+ years of practising, Balance Works team specialises in neurological rehabilitation, however are highly skilled in all other areas of Physiotherapy.

If you are unsure if Balance Works is right for you, give us a call or send us a message and we’ll talk about your options and how we may be able to help you.

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https://youtube.com/embed/KsIqmNcudeM?feature=share ACC Concussion Service Referral  Physiotherapy  Specialist Referral Form

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